November Update: MusicalMusings:||
Issei Herr and Stephanie Zi Yi Yang
“Like a wine or chocolate tasting, our music appreciation class will take the audience through an enlightening sampling - a musical discovery set for both the curious novice and the avid music lover.”
The music of Beethoven, Brahms, and beyond often sparks a mysterious sense of joy and wonder - but why is this? Why does this particular melody ignite feelings of passion and nostalgia, why do our hearts flutter at this turn of the phrase? Our new music appreciation series MusicalMusings:|| unlocks the building blocks behind the inspiration of these timeless works of art.
MusicalMusings:|| was started with the goal of reaching both the curious novice and the avid music lover. Like a wine or chocolate tasting, our music appreciation classes will take the audience through an enlightening sampling - an in-depth musical discovery set for our ears, hearts, and minds.
We often think of the social element of concert-going as well; at concerts both large and small, there will be a discussion - a dialogue amongst fellow listeners about what was just heard. We hope that all music lovers can be given the tools to talk about music in an informed way, and enjoy inspiring and enlightening conversations with fellow connoisseurs.
Music can be for all - one does not have to play an instrument or take private classes in order to actively participate in the music world.
MusicalMusings:|| launches on Wednesday December 2nd at 7:00 PM Eastern time, with pianist and educator Daniel Anastasio leading a class on harmony.