April Read: A Recipe for Optimal Learning
By nature, a child loves to play; however playing an instrument requires a kind of technical learning, which can often feel like a chore.
December Read: Five Minutes to Remedy Wrong Notes
All instrumental training has a ‘practice index’ - if the practice method is correct, performance abilities will be improved. On the contrary, using the wrong method will cause the problem to continue to magnify, until better performance skills feel impossible to achieve. Using the wrong methods, one may need to spend twice as much time practicing in order to slowly correct these deeply rooted errors.
November Read: A Prescription for Practice Allergies
A child’s learning process is like the planting of seeds. Some seeds are sown and grown faster, while some need to accumulate and be nourished over the years. Parents only need to have the patience to observe and appreciate the changes and growth of their children.
October Read: Caesura
For musicians in 2020, there is a terrifying stillness. Bigger questions loom: what relevance will classical music have in our society once we’re on the other side?